News of the Past

News of the Past Professional

News of the Past Professional $199.95


Turn Birthdays into a Marketing Opportunity

Birthday greetings are a reliable instrument for strengthening your client relationships. News of the Past Professional birthday greetings open a dialogue about how strong, sustained, and managed asset growth is critical to meeting individual financial goals.

When it comes to client birthday greetings, nothing can beat News of the Past date-you-were-born greetings for staying in touch. Our personalized corporate greetings reassure customers, clients, and prospects that you are a dedicated partner whom they can entrust with protecting their assets. Nurturing this sense of confidence is especially important now in these times of financial and economic challenge and change.


News of the Past





Personalized Birthday Greetings

News of the Past Professional has over 30 ready-to-use colorful 8.5-by-11-inch print templates. You’ll be printing handsome greetings on plain paper in minutes.

Subtle Marketing

Birthday cards can be much more than a simple “hello.” With News of the Past Professional, you can turn your birthday greeting into a subtle marketing opportunity personalized for each client and costing slightly more than a postage stamp.


User Friendly

News of the Past Professional is an easy-to-use Windows application that prints birthday greetings filled with fascinating historical facts based on the year and month of the client’s birth. Our product can entertain your clients while alerting them to the continual changes in the financial environment, both past and present. News of the Past Professional is the client-appreciation marketing tool you should be using.


Attention Grabbing

This software will complement the client-outreach techniques you are already using. Instantly you’ll be generating attention-grabbing marketing pieces right in your own office and producing them on your printer.


Secure This product is not Internet based, which means your client data and proprietary company information are protected—they never have to leave the security of your office.




Visual Proof

Our greetings offer a subtle yet powerful way to illustrate how much prices go up over time—for instance, you see that since you were born everyday items such as milk and bread have tripled in price. By projecting such increases over the years to come, our product will show your clients how much they need your help in planning for tomorrow.

Then-versus-now cost of living comparisons keep your clients on track, providing a visual proof of why a clear investment and insurance strategy is so crucial for a secure future. As history shows, inflation never sleeps.



News of the Past Professional greetings are fun. They contain intriguing blast-from-the-past information to offer all kinds of clients—whether they are sports fans, movie buffs, or music lovers.

It is hard to say what part of News of the Past Professional birthday greetings people like the most. They’re a curiosity and a special treat for your clients, as well as a fun learning experience.  

Our customers’ testimonials have shown that recipients perceive these greetings as very special, though they take only seconds to create and print.

“Clients really appreciate receiving this special birthday fact sheet,” says Don W., an agent at a national insurance company. “Many have called to thank us and to say they enjoyed reading the history of their special day.”

And tax preparer Sharyn J. says, “They build good will for just pennies.”
We doubt you will find another client-retention software tool that generates the kind of appreciation and loyalty News of the Past Professional does.





The Events of the Month area of the greeting recollects the important historical events of our time. These are the stories that shape our world.


A Look inside News of the Past Professional

In this product tour, we will look at a few of the features that make News of the Past Professional easy to use, customize, and edit.

name entry

The Classic User

The typical user types a name and birth date in the name-entry area, then prints the greetings one at a time. The user chooses a print template from over 30 designs, and the program remembers the design last used the next time it’s opened. The user can keep his or her clients date of birth private using the built-in Privatizing Client Date Of Birth tool.



Digging a Little Deeper

Digging a little deeper into the tool set, you can import a list of names, dates, addresses, and even e-mail addresses from your contact- management software. In News of the Past Professional, you can set birthday reminders to automatically populate the screen with a list of current greeting recipients.

For example, you can print all of your January greetings with a single click of the Print button, and then follow up by printing mailing labels. The program includes printable reports tracking whose greetings you’ve printed. If your name database includes e-mail addresses, you can turn the prints into PDF attachments and deliver them through your e-mail client.



The Advanced User

Customizing the greeting to meet your requirements is easy with the built-in desktop publisher. You can move template components around; choose any system font, font style, and color; import bitmap-formatted (BMP) graphics; and add text, draw lines, and more.

The advanced user can edit the database content. A series of database editors let you open the built-in databases. Take, for example, cost-of-living prices: You can adjust current prices, save the latest Dow Jones closing number, and update cost-of-living prices.

Users can research and add their own new content, making this application a one-time purchase, or they can purchase an annual update from Spectrum Unlimited LLC.


For more information please contact the manufacturer
Spectrum Unlimited LLC

90 Day Satisfaction Guarantee: If our products do not meet or exceed your expectations, Spectrum Unlimited LLC will gladly refund your purchase.

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