Email clients, family and friends e-greetings directly from News of the Past Professional. E-greetings are popular, easy to make and send, and retain a highly perceived value for those lucky enough to receive your greetings.
The following pictures we walk you though each step, from entering a name, date, and email address, to the final e-greeting delivery. This is provided to help familiarize you with this valuable News of the Past Professional feature.
You can send e-greetings to 1 recipient or a batch of many with the click of a button.
After clicking the Email send, you personalize before sending.
Lets have a look at what your recipient will receive in their email from you. A typical message arrives with your subject line and message. The greeting arrives as a PDF attachment. The name of the PDF file is the recipients name. In the following example the given name is Sample, your greetings will have the name of the person.
The following picture is the sample greeting delivered to your client. It's totally personalized with what happened on his or her special day. This greeting design is one of 30 included in News of the Past Professional.