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Problem: General Protection Fault caused by Foxpro

Background:  Our 16 bit version of CardWare is compatible with 60% of the display drivers available for the various  display cards installed in systems running under  Windows 95 and Windows 98 and NT. Changing the display driver can fix this problem but the result may not be acceptable because some of your display driver functions, including resolution, may not be available when running under a different driver.

Note:  We have a true 32 bit version of CardWare program  available. You may qualify for a free replacement.  Contact Spectrum Unlimited for details.

The  following solution is for Windows 95 users. If  you are running Windows 98 or Windows NT, please use the windows Help system to learn about how to choose another display driver.

Solution: The following steps are used for selecting another  display driver in Windows 95.

1. On the windows desktop, locate the My Computer icon, usually in the upper left corner. Place  the mouse pointer on the My Computer icon and double-click the left mouse button.

2. Place the mouse pointer on the Control Panel icon  and double-click the left mouse button.

3. Place the mouse pointer on the Display icon and  double-click the left mouse button. In the setting window, click on the tab titled Settings.

4. Place the mouse pointer on the Change Display  Type button and double-click the left mouse button. The button titled Change Display Type may be named differently in your version of windows, it may say Change Monitor for instance.

5. In the next window you will find two fields labeled  Adapter Type and Monitor Type. This is a good time to write down on a piece of paper the current adapter and monitor settings. You may want to  switch back to the original settings, you may  need this information.

6. Locate the button titled Change next to the field  titled Adapter Type, click the change button. From the list of display drivers, pick Standard  Display Type, if available, otherwise make no changes and click the Cancel button.

7. Locate the button titled Change next to the field  titled Monitor Type, click the change button. In the Change Display Type window, click on Show All Devices. From the list of models, pick Standard VGA 640x480 and click the Ok button to exit.

8. To undo changes to the display driver, follow  these instructions from the top and re-enter the original settings that you have written down,  step 5.


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